We all have an inner dialogue that shapes the way we see ourselves and the world around us. Sometimes this voice whispers subtle doubts that seem small in the moment but have a powerful impact on our confidence, decisions and overall happiness. These negative thoughts, which at Grid Society we call 'grey voices', repeated over time, can quietly hold us back from pursuing opportunities, building meaningful relationships and achieving personal goals. If any of these statements feel familiar and current, you may want to consider attending our Confront the Grey Voices workshop.
Look at the list of statements below. Be honest. Do you speak like this to yourself? Which of these do you struggle with the most? How often? How domineering are these statements in your mind?
1️⃣ Self-Worth and Identity
I am not good enough. No matter how hard I try, I always feel like I am falling short.
I am a failure. Everything I try seems to fall apart before it even begins.
I am not talented enough. Others have natural abilities that I just do not possess.
I am not smart enough. I struggle to keep up with those around me.
I am not creative. My ideas are never as good as other people’s.
I am not special. There is nothing unique or noteworthy about me.
2️⃣ Love and Relationships
No one really likes me. I feel like I am just tolerated, not truly valued.
I am not worthy of love. Why would anyone love someone like me?
I will always be alone. No one truly wants to be with me.
People do not respect me. No matter what I do, I am not taken seriously.
No one will ever understand me. I feel like an outsider in every situation.
I am just a burden to others. People would be better off without me around.
3️⃣ Success and Achievement
I will never be successful. Success seems like something other people achieve but not me.
I will never make enough money. Financial security feels like an unreachable goal.
My dreams are unrealistic. They are just fantasies that will never come true.
I do not have what it takes. I lack the skills and confidence needed to succeed.
I will never achieve my goals. They are always out of reach no matter how hard I work.
I am always behind everyone else. No matter how hard I push, I cannot seem to catch up.
4️⃣ Appearance and Body Image
I am not attractive. When I look in the mirror, I only see flaws.
I will never lose weight. No matter what I do, I never see any progress.
I am too old to change. My habits are ingrained and it is too late for me to turn things around.
5️⃣ Mental and Emotional Well-being
I do not deserve happiness. Good things happen to others but not to me.
I will never be happy. Happiness is for others not for me.
I am too broken to be fixed. There is too much damage for me to ever heal.
My past defines me. I can never escape the mistakes I have made.
I am not strong enough to handle this. Life is overwhelming and I do not know how to cope.
I will never be truly happy. No matter what happens, I will always feel empty inside.
6️⃣ Social Anxiety and Interaction
People are always judging me. I feel like I am under a microscope and no one truly understands me.
I am too shy to succeed. My quiet nature holds me back in every aspect of life.
I always say the wrong thing. I never know the right words to use in a conversation.
7️⃣ Luck and Circumstance
Nothing ever works out for me. I always seem to hit obstacles that keep me from achieving my goals.
I am just unlucky. Some people are blessed with good fortune but I am not one of them.
I do not belong anywhere. I feel like I do not fit in no matter where I go.
8️⃣ Self-Doubt and Negative Thinking
I always mess things up. Every time I try something new, I just end up making mistakes.
I always get things wrong. No matter how careful I am, I make mistakes.
I always make the wrong decisions. Every choice I make seems to backfire.
I should just give up. There is no point in trying anymore.
I am such a disappointment. I let people down again and again.
I am not important. My presence does not matter to anyone.
People do not care about me. I am easily forgotten and ignored.
I will never be confident. No matter how much I try, I always doubt myself.
Your thoughts create your reality. When negativity takes the driver's seat, progress stalls. But here’s the truth – you are not your doubts. You are stronger than the grey voices trying to hold you back. You have the power to shift the dialogue, reclaim your confidence and step into the life you deserve.

Join us for our monthly Confront the Grey Voices workshop where we dive deep into identifying and overcoming these limiting beliefs. Learn practical strategies to reframe your inner dialogue and take control of your mindset. Do not let your grey voices define you – take the first step towards a more empowered you today.